Clearing the way to the Quran. At WQT we strongly believe that the Quran is a life guide that has the power to positively impact all human lives by improving our reasoning, our moral values and consequently our mutual relationships. Unfortunately, between those who know little or nothing about it and those overwhelmed in the cultural and historical heritage that surrounds it, we believe that only few people properly and effectively interact with the renowned controversial scripture which content was originally destined for each one of us, regardless of who you are and where you come from. About WQT You have interrogations ?
You’ve most likely heard that the Qur’an commands domestic violence, death sentence for apostasy, stoning of adulterers or the practice of rituals. In the midst of this confusion, WQT is here to help. We are committed to clearing the way to the Qur’an by removing trivialities and promoting critical thinking, investigation, intellectual debate and discussion. Read papers
Our Academic works. Quran (Words and Concepts) by WQT – Worldwide Quran Thinkers is an effort to translate the Quran with a methodology that aims to focus on Key Quranic Words and Concepts while exposing the man-made/ideological influences external to the Quran. Words defined by the Quran itself and translation, are presented in ‘as is basis’ so that everyone can read impartially the divine guidance as it is, with the final goal to be applicable. Download study App

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