Our mission & values

WQT – Worldwide Quran Thinkers is a registered not-for-profit charitable organization (Canada Revenue Agency Registration Number 77243 5947 RR0001), based in Ontario, Canada which purpose is to advance the Islamic faith by providing classes and translation services to individuals interested in studying and learning the Quran ; and to do all such things as are ancillary and incidental to the attainment of this charitable purpose. We aim to empower our community members and readers with tools that help them acquire a greater autonomy in their approach with the Quran. For this effect, we offer classes, translation services to individuals as well as tools such as studying app that are totally free of coast. The objective of this organization is to help people understand Quranic Ayahs through critical thinking and investigative attitudes, so they can understand how to apply the Quran practically to help their local communities through social inclusion and community engagement activities.

To spread and implement the Divine message.

At WQT, we are all humble students in pursuit of the knowledge of Deen-e-Islam through Quran. Our focus of study and research is Quran and Deen, we are thus individually and collectively constantly invested in this effort. After acquiring the knowledge for our own benefice, we are morally compelled to share it with the people and we do so by also promoting welfare activities in order to aid the implementation of Quran practically in the day-to-day lives.

In accordance with Quranic guidelines, WQT through WQT masjid carry out welfare acts by putting in place practices of mutual help between citizens, namely to help those who are deprived of any type of resources, to promote social inclusion and cohesion as well as civic responsibility. All of our actions are achieve to the attainment of this charitable purpose. We have been serving the needs of communities in Canada and across the world through our website, YouTube channel and social media platforms for many years now. 

We know that Quran is the word of Allah and embodies the Deen i.e., all the rules, regulations, parameters, set of instructions, boundaries of our restrictions and freedom and guidelines that were revealed for humans of all times to come. Unfortunately, we as Muslims have reversed the order. We first follow preconceived ideas that we have inherited from our forefathers and then take references from Quran to explain and/or confirm these notions.  In instances where no explanation is required according to us, we do not even refer to the Quran. In this way we have Mahjoor (abandoned/Hijrat – migrated from and restricted in effectiveness) the Quran. The Quran says:

[25:30] “And the Messenger will say, “O my Rabb, indeed my people have Mahjoor this Qur’an”

Keeping in view the above Quranic Ayah and the current situation of Muslims, (which has resulted due to the fact that we have Mahjoor the Quran), this organization’s mission is to aid and encourage Muslims to pick up the Quran, understand Deen from Quran and implement Deen-e-Islam practically in their day -to-day lives. The true implementation of Deen-e-Islam in its truest, most practical form is the main objective of this forum.

There is no vested or commercial interest behind WQT.  We only aim to share knowledge and spread the word of Allah through our resources – this website, WQT events, Quran Fahmi classes, blogs, videos, posts, presentations, and research.

This platform is a space that values and promote the act of thinking, pondering and healthy interactions with Quranic Ayahs with a final goal of integration and social service to local communities. 

Quran Thinkers is all about challenging beliefs system about Quran and Islam. We are all humble students in pursuit of the knowledge of Deen-e-Islam through Quran which is our focus of study at WQT. Contrarly to the common belief, Quran is a book of Allah and a source of guidance, and universal heritage for the whole of mankind, for people of all generations, races, languages and times. There is no jurisdiction of anyone over the Quran; there is no certification and no authority here except God Almighty and there is no teacher here except the Quran itself – the Divine Guidance- the word of Allah. Whatever we come to know, through our research and in our learning process, we share with others as a part of ‘Iqra.

Through our presentation sessions, the website, WQT Facebook page & group, our Blogs and articles, YouTube videos and WQT’s Quran Fahmi classes, we aim to simply share knowledge based on our research on the Quran. We also suggest you to pick up the Quran, study and do the research yourself and share your knowledge with us. It is through the sharing of knowledge that we tend to broaden our horizon of understanding so that we know by ourselves what is right and what is wrong as Quran is Furqan (the ultimate criteria of right and wrong).

– To do research on the Quran, and share the research with others through translation, smartphone apps, social media articles, workshops, lectures, Quran Fahmi classes and other channels

– To aid the learning of Quran in Muslims especially in children and teens, along with maximizing their true human potential and ensuring their mental health and wellness, allowing them to become constructive members of the Canadian society through activities like volunteering.

– To demonstrate how application of true Quranic principles can lead to human beings acting ascaretakers on earth in terms of not only connecting people together, regardless of their race, religion, backgrounds, and working with each other with mutual care, cooperation, compassion and justice, but also actively taking active part in caring for the earth and aiding government agencies in challenges like climate change.

– To be a catalyst in making the Muslims of Canada active volunteers and contributors of Canadian communities rather than remaining on the sidelines. To contribute towards integrating Muslims well into the communities they live through constructive contributions and volunteering activities.

Perfect Thinkers: Our younger generations – the Millennials, post Millennials and the later generations are perfect Thinkers. If we try to make them blind followers like us, we risk making them rebellious against Deen and against us as parents and teachers. Additionally, there is a risk that they would simply follow us on the surface level with no internalization of Deen. Consequently, we risk losing our future generations to other religions and/or distancing them from Deen altogether.

Era of social media: In addition to being thinkers, the Millennials and post Millennials are growing up in an era of social media which comes with its own set of learning, demands, addictions and challenges. Especially those growing up in non-Muslim countries are faced with the growing momentum of Islamophobia along with new challenges that we as parents and teachers are not even aware of, let alone be in a situation where we can help them cope with these challenges.

Rising Negativity About Muslims- Surrounded by non-Muslims in their practical lives, the new generation expat Muslims at times have the only option of either hiding the fact that they are Muslims or denying the Deen altogether in order to blend among non-Muslims and their environment.

The only way we, as parents and teachers, can help our younger generations is to bring them closer to Deen through highlighting the Rational approach to Deen, by making them realize that Deen is the solution and not the problem to everything, and by implementing the true gist of Deen practically in our lives. This is only possible once we learn and understand the Deen through the Quran and teach them the true Divine Guidance based on reasoning and logic. All our efforts at WQT, including the Quran Fahmi classes and Quran Translation are aimed towards this objective of bringing our new generation closer to Deen.