Humans as Caretakers-Khalifa of the Planet Earth!

In light of Animal Rights THE STATE OF GLOBAL WARMING & IMPACTS OF HUMANITY ON EARTH As per the article published in May, 2022 ‘Are the Effects of Global Warming Really that Bad? Short answer: Yes’ (1) Five and a half degrees Fahrenheit- may not sound like much—perhaps the difference between wearing a sweater and not wearing one on an […]

Emaan on Malaik- Includes Emaan on Iblees!

Is Iblees one of Malaik or Jinn? & If Malaik, what is Emaan on Iblees? Introduction:                                             Many Muslims are brought up with the opinion that Iblees was a Jinn, was made of fire, and since he used to worship Allah so dedicatedly that Allah elevated his position as a Malaik. Let’s see what Quran says about Iblees;   [Quran […]

The Purpose of our Creation

The purpose of our creation is bifurcated into two broad categories as specifically mentioned in Quran – Purpose no. 1) To do Abd- To Worship, Serve, Exalt & Glorify Allah and  Purpose no. 2) For Test & Accountability.  Purpose # 1- To do Abd of Allah [Quran 51: 56] “I did not create the jinn and mankind except to (Leyabodoon)/Abd […]