Laylate ul-Qadr- Chapter 97 of Quran

(1) Indeed, We sent down during LAYL of the QADAR. (2) And what can make you know what is LAYL of the QADAR? (3) LAYL of the QADAR is KHAIRUN of thousand SHAHAR. (4) The MALAIK and ROOH descend therein by permission of their Rabb for every AMAR. (5) SALAMUN it is until the rising of the FAJAR. In order […]

The Phrase of Surah Rahman- FABI AYYI ALA I RABBIKUMA TUKAZZIBAN IN ARABIC: فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ

Surah Rahman is the 55th chapter of the Qur’an with 78 Ayaat- The most popular verse which is repeated 31 times throughout the 78 verses is the saying, fabi ayyi ala i rabbikuma tukazziban.- In today’s post, we will expound on the meaning of this phrase in detail. Normal Translation & Why it doesn’t makes sense This phrase is normally […]