Thunder Ayat of Allah- Sara’s Work
This is the homework done by Sara, a 15 year old very smart, talented and inquisitive girl in our Quran Fahmi Class. She picked and illustrated the Ayaat of Allah as phenomenon of Thunderstorm and discussed fun facts about this Ayaat. She also linked the Ayaat of Allah from Allah’s Creations to Ayat of Allah from Quran as not only the whole chapter is named as Thunder- Chapter no. 13, we also discussed ayat no. 13 and scientific facts about thunder in the class.
The best thing about teaching Teens and young adults in our Quran Fahmi classes, is their curiosity and their keen interest to understand the Divine message. Their focus on reasoning and logics, their thought provoking questions and their keen interest in Quran lead to learning experience both for each other as students as well as us as teachers. May Allah guide us all to the right path, and enable us to become role models as parents and teachers for our younger generations. Ameen
One of the Questions from our Students- may be you want to answer based on reasoning and logics..”If as humans we can not comprehend Allah, and if Emaan is not blind faith, then how can we have Emaan on Allah?”