Surah Al-A’raf – Ayah No. 10 – 18

Surah Al-A’raf – Ayah # 10 – 18 (7:10 – 7:18)


١٠  وَلَقَدْ مَكَّنَّاكُمْ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَجَعَلْنَا لَكُمْ فِيهَا مَعَايِشَ ۗ قَلِيلًا مَا تَشْكُرُونَ

[Quran 7:10] And so that to certainly Makannakum (مَكَّنَّاكُمْ) you in the earth and Ja’alna (وَجَعَلْنَا) for you in it Ma’aayesha (مَعَايِشَ). Few of you and to a little extent is what you Tashkarun (تَشْكُرُونَ).


١١  وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَاكُمْ ثُمَّ صَوَّرْنَاكُمْ ثُمَّ قُلْنَا لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ اسْجُدُوا لِآدَمَ فَسَجَدُوا إِلَّا إِبْلِيسَ لَمْ يَكُنْ مِنَ السَّاجِدِينَ

[Quran 7:11] And so that to certainly Khalaqna (خَلَقْنَاكُمْ) you, then S’oornakum (صَوَّرْنَاكُمْ) you, then Qulna (قُلْنَا) to Malaikate (لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ), ‘Do you Asjudu (اسْجُدُوا) to Adam (لِآدَمَ)?’ So Sajadu (فَسَجَدُوا), except Iblees (إِبْلِيسَ); was not Yakun (يَكُنْ) of the Saajideen (السَّاجِدِينَ).


١٢  قَالَ مَا مَنَعَكَ أَلَّا تَسْجُدَ إِذْ أَمَرْتُكَ ۖ قَالَ أَنَا خَيْرٌ مِنْهُ خَلَقْتَنِي مِنْ نَارٍ وَخَلَقْتَهُ مِنْ طِينٍ

[Quran 7:12] Qala (قَالَ), ‘What Mana’ka (مَنَعَكَ) except you Tasjadu (تَسْجُدَ) when Amartuka (أَمَرْتُكَ)?’ Qala (قَالَ), ‘I am Khairu (خَيْرٌ) from it; Khalaqniy (خَلَقْتَنِي) of Naare (نَارٍ) and Khalaqtahu (وَخَلَقْتَهُ) it of T’a’en (طِينٍ).’


١٣  قَالَ فَاهْبِطْ مِنْهَا فَمَا يَكُونُ لَكَ أَنْ تَتَكَبَّرَ فِيهَا فَاخْرُجْ إِنَّكَ مِنَ الصَّاغِرِينَ

[Quran 7:13] Qala (قَالَ), ‘Then Ahbit’ (فَاهْبِطْ) of it! Then what Yakunu (يَكُونُ) that you Tatakabbara (تَتَكَبَّرَ) in it, then Akhruju (فَاخْرُجْ)- indeed, was of the S’aaghireen (الصَّاغِرِينَ).’


١٤  قَالَ أَنْظِرْنِي إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ يُبْعَثُونَ

[Quran 7:14] Qala (قَالَ), ‘Anzirniy (أَنْظِرْنِي) to Youme (يَوْمِ) Yaba’s’un (يُبْعَثُونَ).’


١٥  قَالَ إِنَّكَ مِنَ الْمُنْظَرِينَ

[Quran 7:15] Qala (قَالَ), ‘Indeed, was of the Munzereen (الْمُنْظَرِينَ).’


١٦  قَالَ فَبِمَا أَغْوَيْتَنِي لَأَقْعُدَنَّ لَهُمْ صِرَاطَكَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ

[Quran 7:16] Qala (قَالَ), ‘Then with what Aghwataney (أَغْوَيْتَنِي), except Qa’danna (لَأَقْعُدَنَّ) for them S’irat’aka (صِرَاطَكَ) the Mustaqueem (الْمُسْتَقِيمَ).’


١٧  ثُمَّ لَآتِيَنَّهُمْ مِنْ بَيْنِ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمِنْ خَلْفِهِمْ وَعَنْ أَيْمَانِهِمْ وَعَنْ شَمَائِلِهِمْ ۖ وَلَا تَجِدُ أَكْثَرَهُمْ شَاكِرِينَ

[Quran 7:17] Then to come to them from near their Aedehim (أَيْدِيهِمْ) and from their Khalfehim (خَلْفِهِمْ) and near their Aemanehim (أَيْمَانِهِمْ) and near their Shama’elehim (شَمَائِلِهِمْ). And not you Tajeda (تَجِدُ) Aks’ar (أَكْثَرَهُمْ) of them as Shakireen (شَاكِرِينَ).’


١٨  قَالَ اخْرُجْ مِنْهَا مَذْءُومًا مَدْحُورًا ۖ لَمَنْ تَبِعَكَ مِنْهُمْ لَأَمْلَأَنَّ جَهَنَّمَ مِنْكُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ

[Quran 7:18] Qala (قَالَ), ‘Akhrij (اخْرُجْ) from it Maza’uma (مَذْءُومًا) Madhuran (مَدْحُورًا). So that whoever Taba’ka (تَبِعَكَ) from them so that to fill Jahanama (جَهَنَّمَ) through you Ajma’een (أَجْمَعِينَ).’





Through the earlier Ayahs of Surah Al-A’raf, we have learned how the kitaab is revealed and the reasons thereof. Anzalna of the Kitaab, i.e., the understanding, realization, study, and implementation of the Kitaab, Allah’s laws, is always done in gradual manner taking one step at a time and in small steps, because of which one gets engulfed in, impacted thoroughly and gets saturated by Allah’s Kalam. The reason why it’s Nazool, revelation, understanding and implementation of it is gradual and in step-by-step manner is because had its absorption, engulfing in, and it’s Nazool was not gradual or done all at once in sudden manner; then it’s focus and giving it a priority would have resulted in extreme forms of uneasiness, discomfort, difficulty and would have resulted in the state and/or quality of being confused, distressed or tensed. It’s because of this reason that the absorption, engulfing in, soaking in, understanding and implementation of the Kitaab, and it’s Nazool is carried out in gradual manner, in a step-by-step, slow, steady and continuous process.


Kitaab as Zikar for the Momineen: Those who are the Momineen- who seek knowledge, use their faculties, especially their intellect to be at Aman- utter and deep conviction with Allah and the five fundamentals of Emaan, who are the upholders of their covenant with Allah and are at peace and good will with respect to their fellow community members, they use this Zikar, the Kitaab of Allah, for not only planning for the future in terms of their action being done right now, in alignment with future planning in terms of being cautioned in preparation for future but with the help of Allah’s Kitaab, they also remember the many blessings of Allah, so that they become Shaakir, so that they obey the laws of Allah in ultimate gratitude, so that they take the lessons of the previously narrated stories and they understand and implement the Ayaat of Allah.


Those who do Shirk, never do Zikar and aim to destroy Bayt by being blind followers: Since we know that the Ba’yt is any place in which Allah’s Zikr is being done frequently and strongly connected to Noor of Allah. Earlier Ayahs give a definite and harsh truth that there are so few of the humanity who do Zikar of Allah and even when they do, they do it to a little extent only. Since only a few of the humanity do Zikar of Allah, they bring upon themselves either of the two end results; 1) Either they end up causing extreme destruction and devastation to the Bayt as consequences of these acts of Shirk and their lack of doing of Zikar of Allah’s Kitaab, as well as destroying their foundations, houses, future generations, residences and communities, or 2) they got engulfed in such blind following of as well as the storytelling and gossiping itself, that is outside the Kitaab and is influenced by Awliya that they have taken as deities other than Allah, whose laws they follow in blind submission and as blind followers. Thereafter, Allah asks a thought-provoking question about their dawa’a, their calling, invitations, their striving, as to ‘What is the purpose and end result of their conducts and behaviors; their striving, their calls and invitations, to give them any benefit except that it brought to fruition upon them such extreme devastations and destructions which was the result of their own actions.


Through the earlier Ayahs we have also learned the well-known and confirmed aspects of accountability and the perfect recompense. The confirmed and well-known facts of accountability is that everyone will face the perfect recompense of their actions sooner or later.  The weight, measurement and justice of the well-known and confirmed fact of accountability is an absolute truth, whereby there would be justice at its best based on people’s due rights and their own actions. Thus, whoever’s scale of justice is heavy, significant, meaningful, impactful as aligned with the Kitaab of Allah, then they are the ones who would be successful in both the worlds. Whereas those whose scale of justice is light, insignificant and meaningless, then they have suppressed, destroyed and dominated their Nafs, based on their actions through which they have committed height of injustice against the Ayaat of Allah, both from the Kalam of Allah as well as the creations of Allah, and therefore they would be losers in both the worlds.



Ayah 7:10, “And so that to certainly Makannakum (مَكَّنَّاكُمْ) you in the earth and Ja’alna (وَجَعَلْنَا) for you in it Ma’aayesha (مَعَايِشَ). Few of you and to a little extent is what you Tashkarun (تَشْكُرُونَ).”


And so that to certainly basic purpose, roles, position, functions, responsibilities, tasks and standings for (مَكَّنَّاكُمْ) you in the earth and appoint for duties (وَجَعَلْنَا) for you in its livelihood, subsistence, employment, economic condition, way of life, means of living and means of livelihood (مَعَايِشَ). Few of you and to a little extent is what you grateful to express the gratitude through striving with full force, in terms of full submission to Laws of Allah by utilizing faculties with whole being, in gratitude through explicit actions (تَشْكُرُونَ).


Keeping in consideration the context of these ayahs- where we had learned the well-known and confirmed fact of accountability as an absolute truth, because of which there would be justice at its best based on people’s due rights and their own actions. Thereafter this Ayah and onwards discusses the important facts and divine warnings that we need to keep in mind in order to ensure our best of the best recompense and accountability. We have been reminded through this Ayah that the basic purpose, role, function, responsibilities and duties that have been assigned to the earth is for our livelihood, subsistence, employment, economic condition and means of living. This mere fact should have led humanity to become utter and deeply grateful to Allah, in order to express their gratitude through striving with their full force, in terms of full submission to the laws of Allah by utilizing their faculties with their whole being and in utter gratitude through explicit actions. On the contrary, it’s a harsh reality that so few of us, as humanity, remain grateful and obedient to the laws of Allah and that too, to very few extents.


Ayah 7:11, “And so that to certainly Khalaqna (خَلَقْنَاكُمْ) you, then S’oornakum (صَوَّرْنَاكُمْ) you, then Qulna (قُلْنَا) to Malaikate (لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ), ‘Do you Asjudu (اسْجُدُوا) to Adam (لِآدَمَ)?’ So Sajadu (فَسَجَدُوا), except Iblees (إِبْلِيسَ); was not Yakun (يَكُنْ) of the Saajideen (السَّاجِدِينَ).”


And so that to certainly carried out of, brought to completion Allah’s Amar including but not restricted to Allah’s creation of (خَلَقْنَاكُمْ) you, then have formed, shaped, fashioned, by giving you your form, physical traits, nature, DNA, shape and the way created (صَوَّرْنَاكُمْ) you, then instructed, reflected and commanded (قُلْنَا) to the owners of, the possessors and messengers of the powers, the processes and the forces of nature on the basis of which Allah has created and kept running the whole universe (لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ), ‘Do you submit, support, strengthen and be obedient of, in complete and utter conviction, that came from witnessing and being convinced of the benefits of such submission, support and obedience (اسْجُدُوا) to that stage of humanity, that has passed the initial evolutionary process of ‘Homo Sapiens’, that has now reached the stage of humanity of ‘Adam’ with faculties to seek and use knowledge and have capacity for intellect as well as to that stage where Malaik has done Sajda to humanity, and is appointed as Khalifa- the trustee, caretakers of the earth, who has been handed over the job to look after the earth and other lifeforms on the planet (لِآدَمَ)?’ So submitted, supported, strengthened and became obedient of, in complete and utter conviction, that came from witnessing and being convinced of the benefits of such submission, support and obedience (فَسَجَدُوا), except one of the Malaik of Allah, who is our main and chief enemy, who has been assigned duties by Allah to test humans against the presence of their free will, by always trying to mislead us, and go against our interests (إِبْلِيسَ); was not aimed to reach the final destination of being (يَكُنْ) of the those who could submit, support, strengthen and be obedient to the humanity (السَّاجِدِينَ).


After telling us about the fact that the basic purpose and function of the earth is to provide sustenance and means of livelihood to us, as humanity; in this Ayah, Allah then tells us that Allah has created us, and has given us best of the best form, shape, physical and non-physical traits, our nature, DNA and the way created. Thereafter, Allah then instructed and commanded the Malaik to do Sajda to Adam. Keeping in mind that Malaik are the owners, possessors and messengers of the powers, the processes and the forces of nature on the basis of which Allah has created and kept running the whole universe; and Adam is that stage of humanity, that has passed the initial evolutionary process of ‘Homo Sapiens’, has reached the stage with faculties to seek and use knowledge and have capacity for intellect and therefore appointed as Khalifa- the trustee, caretakers of the earth, who has been handed over the job to look after the earth and other lifeforms on the planet. The fact that Allah has commanded the Malaik to do Sajda, i.e., submit to, support, strengthen and be obedient of in complete and utter conviction the Adam, shows that it’s the ability of the humanity to seek and use knowledge on the basis of which Allah’s Malaik can then support, submit to, strengthen and be subservient to the humanity. This Ayah, also gives us the fact that all the Malaik of Allah would support, strengthen, submit to, and can become subservient to Adam/ humanity at the stage of Adam, except Iblees, who is our main and chief enemy, who has been assigned duties by Allah to test humans against the presence of their free will, by always trying to mislead us, and go against our interests, and therefore the Malaik of Iblees could never be among those who would submit to us, support, strengthen us, work in our favors or be aligned to our interests.


Ayah 7:12, “Qala (قَالَ), ‘What Mana’ka (مَنَعَكَ) except you Tasjadu (تَسْجُدَ) when Amartuka (أَمَرْتُكَ)?’ Qala (قَالَ), ‘I am Khairu (خَيْرٌ) from it; Khalaqniy (خَلَقْتَنِي) of Naare (نَارٍ) and Khalaqtahu (وَخَلَقْتَهُ) it of T’a’en (طِينٍ).”


Reflected from speech and conducts that (قَالَ), ‘What prevented, fended off; warding off; averted; limited; restrained; withheld; hindered; blocked; obstructed; stopped; impede; and keep you off (مَنَعَكَ) except you submit, support, strengthen and be obedient of the humanity, in complete and utter conviction (تَسْجُدَ) when was commanded to carry out Allah’s order (أَمَرْتُكَ)?’ Reflected from speech and conducts that (قَالَ), ‘I am better-off, more contented, and at an advantage (خَيْرٌ) from it; I am asked to brought completion to Allah’s Amar of bringing to life (خَلَقْتَنِي) of unchangeable, fixed and inflexible aspects of fire, hell; hellfire; blaze; flame, devastation and destruction, associated with hell and hell-like Azaab (نَارٍ) and created (وَخَلَقْتَهُ) it of such traits of us, as human beings, who get diverted and slip away from Allah’s path, and became delusive, blind followers (طِينٍ).’


After having warned us about the fact the Iblees as the Malaik of Allah is our clear and chief enemy, who has been assigned duties by Allah to test humans; who would always try to mislead us, and go against our interests; who would never support or strengthen us, work in our favor or be aligned with our interests; this Ayah and onwards is a metaphoric conversation between Allah and the Malaik of Iblees, in order to highlight few more traits of the Malaik of Iblees in a bid to warn us about the duties of Iblees as appointed by Allah and how Iblees performs these duties and responsibilities. Thus, the reason why Iblees could never do Sajda, strengthen humanity, be subservient to us or support us in any manner whatsoever, is because the nature of duties as appointed for Iblees by Allah, is to bring about completion to Allah’s Amar of bringing to life the unchangeable, fixed and inflexible aspects of fire, hell; hellfire; blaze; flame, devastation and destruction as associated with hell and hell-like Azaab. We, as humanity on the other hand, has been created by Allah with such traits which are flexible, changeable, as we tend to get diverted and slip away from Allah’s path, and became delusive, blind followers. The qualities and traits of Iblees is fixed and unchangeable- reflective of the fire, destruction, and leading towards hell-like Azaab, whereas our qualities and traits as human beings are reflective in the word T’aene- that is we tend to change, get diverted away, slip away from the Fitrat of Allah, we tend to get delusive and become as blind followers. Thus, due to the appointment of duties to bring about destruction, to mislead humanity away from the path of Allah, to lead them to the hellfire and aspects of Naar, Iblees could never support humanity, strengthen or be of any help to humanity to further their interests.


Ayah 7:13-16, “Qala (قَالَ), ‘Then Ahbit’ (فَاهْبِطْ) of it! Then what Yakunu (يَكُونُ) that you Tatakabbara (تَتَكَبَّرَ) in it, then Akhruju (فَاخْرُجْ)- indeed, was of the S’aaghireen (الصَّاغِرِينَ)’. Qala (قَالَ), ‘Anzirniy (أَنْظِرْنِي) to Youme (يَوْمِ) Yaba’s’un (يُبْعَثُونَ).’ Qala (قَالَ), ‘Indeed, was of the Munzereen (الْمُنْظَرِينَ)’. Qala (قَالَ), ‘Then with what Aghwataney (أَغْوَيْتَنِي), except Qa’danna (لَأَقْعُدَنَّ) for them S’irat’aka (صِرَاطَكَ) the Mustaqueem (الْمُسْتَقِيمَ).”


Reflected from speech and conducts that (قَالَ), ‘Then make them fall and go down in terms of being downgraded, demoted, devalued, reduced and lowered in ranks, importance, prestige and value (فَاهْبِطْ) of it (humanity)! Then what aimed to reach the final destination through conducts (يَكُونُ) so that you magnify, boost, heighten and amplify in terms of making such deeds magnified, made to look bigger and greater in importance (تَتَكَبَّرَ) among it (humanity), then made them exit out, extract and withdraw such people (فَاخْرُجْ)- indeed, was of the those who are subdued, disgraced and humiliated (الصَّاغِرِينَ).  Reflected from speech and conducts that (قَالَ), I would be thinking, observing, closely watching and linking the vision with previous knowledge and other aspects already known by giving undivided attention, inspection, focus and investigation (أَنْظِرْنِي) to the well-known and confirmed aspects, events, elements, of (يَوْمِ) what I have been send for as a mission, in terms of this expedition with clear and defined duties and responsibilities with a clearly defined mission and objectives as have been appointed for me to carry out (يُبْعَثُونَ). Reflected from speech and conducts that (قَالَ), ‘Indeed, was of the those who think, observe, closely watch, link the vision with previous knowledge and other aspects already known by giving undivided attention, inspection, focus and carry out the investigation (الْمُنْظَرِينَ).  Reflected from speech and conducts that (قَالَ), ‘Then with what to lure, to deviate, to misled, to astray, to entice, as well as to rescind; quash; invalidate and annul covenant with Allah, Allah’s message and blessings (أَغْوَيْتَنِي), except basic foundations and rules as established (لَأَقْعُدَنَّ) for them related to all the ways, methods, processes, paths, conducts, behaviors, actions, procedures etc. required in order for (صِرَاطَكَ) standing firm and strong with perseverance and steadfast manner (الْمُسْتَقِيمَ).’


After highlighting the reasons as to why Iblees would never do Sajda to us, as Adam, as Khalifa on earth; these Ayahs are a metaphoric conversation between Allah and the Malaik of Iblees, in order to highlight few more traits of the Malaik of Iblees, as a warning about the duties of Iblees as appointed by Allah and how Iblees performs these duties and responsibilities. Thus, the job of the Iblees is to make humanity fall and go down in terms of being downgraded, demoted, devalued, reduced and lowered in ranks, importance, prestige and value than the way they were created by Allah- as per Fitrat of Allah. The way Iblees carries out its duties is to magnify, boost, heighten and amplify the deeds of Shaytaan, in terms of making such deeds magnified, made to look bigger and greater in importance and significance, among humanity, in order to make them exit out, extract and withdraw such people as subdued, disgraced and humiliated. Additionally, Iblees carries out the whole process of thinking, observing, closely watching, by giving undivided attention, inspection, focus and by carrying out investigation in order to carry out these well-known and confirmed aspects, events, laws, people and elements of Shaytan; for which Iblees have been sent as a mission, in terms of this expedition with clear and defined duties and responsibilities with a clearly defined mission and objectives as have been appointed for Iblees to carry out by Allah, which is to act as clear and chief enemy of humanity. Thus Iblees, is of those who observe, closely watch by giving undivided attention, who focus and carry out the inspection and investigation in order to perform the appointed duties. In order to lure, deviate, mislead, astray, entice, as well as to rescind; quash; invalidate and annul covenant with Allah, Allah’s message and blessings, Iblees utilizes each and every aspect with only one exception- the Qawaid of S’iraat-e-Mustaqueen is not under the influence of Iblees. This means that the basic foundations and rules as established for the humanity by Allah related to all the ways, methods, processes, paths, conducts, behaviors, actions and procedures ordained by Allah for us to remain standing firm and strong with perseverance and in steadfast manner, can never be influenced and/or used by Iblees to carry out its duties in order to lure and mislead humanity.


Ayah 7:17, “Then to come to them from near their Aedehim (أَيْدِيهِمْ) and from their Khalfehim (خَلْفِهِمْ) and near their Aemanehim (أَيْمَانِهِمْ) and near their Shama’elehim (شَمَائِلِهِمْ). And not you Tajeda (تَجِدُ) Aks’ar (أَكْثَرَهُمْ) of them as Shakireen (شَاكِرِينَ).”


Then to come to them from near the consequences of their efforts and actions, that they putt in efforts for, make struggle for, and earn for the Akhira as consequences of their efforts (أَيْدِيهِمْ) and from their duties of taking care of planet as Khaleefa, as caretakers of the earth and all its habitat (خَلْفِهِمْ) and near their covenants and oaths, including their covenant with Allah (أَيْمَانِهِمْ) and near their distinguishing traits and qualities (شَمَائِلِهِمْ). And not you switch and replace the situation for (تَجِدُ) the majority of them and to a greater extent for (أَكْثَرَهُمْ) them as being those who are grateful to express the gratitude through striving with full force, in terms of full submission to Laws of Allah by utilizing faculties with whole being, in gratitude through explicit actions (شَاكِرِينَ).’


After having told us, that Iblees utilizes each and every aspect to lure, deviate, mislead, astray, entice, as well as to rescind; quash; invalidate and annul covenant of humanity with Allah, Allah’s message and blessings, with only one exception- the Qawaid of S’iraat-e-Mustaqueen, that Iblees cannot use and utilize for this purpose; this Ayah is now giving us explicit warning as to all that is used, manipulated, influenced, maneuvered and utilized by Iblees; which are all four aspects; 1) anything that is important or significant with respect to our efforts and actions, that we intend to put in efforts for, make struggle for, and earn for the Akhira as consequences of our efforts; 2) Any aspect of our duties of taking care of planet as Khaleefa, as trustee and caretakers of the planet earth and all its habitants; 3) anything that is important and significant with respect to our promises, covenants and oaths, including our covenant with Allah and 4) anything that is important or significate with respect to our distinctive and distinguishing traits and qualities. All these four aspects are used, manipulated, influenced, maneuvered and utilized by Iblees in order to make sure that most of the humanity and to a greater extent remain ungrateful, proud, arrogant and under the influence of Shaytaan, so much so, that Allah’s system, including the laws of nature and the laws of Deen, is not able to switch and replace this situation of being ungrateful, proud and subjugated by Shaytan. Thus, only a small minority of human beings would be grateful to Allah, who would express this utter and deep gratitude through striving with their full force, in terms of their full submission to the Laws of Allah by utilizing their faculties with their whole being, in utter gratitude through explicit actions, while a wide majority of humanity would remain under the influence of Shaytan.


Ayah 7:18,”Qala (قَالَ), ‘Akhrij (اخْرُجْ) from it Maza’uma (مَذْءُومًا) Madhuran (مَدْحُورًا). So that whoever Taba’ka (تَبِعَكَ) from them so that to fill Jahanama (جَهَنَّمَ) through you Ajma’een (أَجْمَعِينَ).”


Reflected from speech and conducts that (قَالَ), ‘extract out, withdraw, made to exit (اخْرُجْ) from the humanity such bonded, entrapped, captured, stuck, cemented and indebted ones who are (مَذْءُومًا) overmastered, overpowered, vanquished, defeated, subdued, and subjugated (مَدْحُورًا). So that whoever follow, obey in terms of seeking as a follow-up situation, would be led towards (تَبِعَكَ) from them so that to fill hell as everlasting punishment, and final abode (جَهَنَّمَ) through you all together, as their judgment wherein they would face the accountability all together (أَجْمَعِينَ).’


After warning us that Iblees will surely attack humanity from all things that are significant with respect to their efforts that they put forward for their Nafs for the Akhira, their duties as caretakers, khalifa of the earth; their oaths and covenants; and their distinguishing traits and qualities and Allah’s system will not be able to replace and switch their situation in order to make for most of them, and to a greater extent as Shaakireen, follower of the laws of Allah in utter gratitude; this Ayah then gives us the summary of all the traits of iblees and the results of the Malaik of Iblees having performed its duties. Thus, as a result of Iblees performing its duties as appointed to it by Allah, such people would be extracted out, withdrawn and made to exit out from the Shakir state of humanity who, under the influence of Shaytaan, would be bonded, entrapped and captured as well as overmastered, over powered, subdued and subjugated under the influence of Shaytaan. The end result would be such that those who follow and obey the Khutuwaat of Shaytaan, would be led towards hell being filled with them as their everlasting punishment, and final abode, as it would be through and as a result of the duties performed by the Malaik of Iblees that all these people together, as their judgment would face the accountability and the perfect recompense for them all together and thus Allah will fill the hell through the Iblees by Iblees performing it’s duties, for all of them as their perfect recompense of their actions.




These Ayahs of Surah Al-A’raf i.e., 7:10 to 7:18, through a metaphoric conversation between Allah and the Malaik of Iblees, give us the following divine guidance that we can apply in our day to day lives.


  • THE SOLE PURPOSE OF THE CREATION OF THE EARTH & WHY SHOULD BE GRATEFUL TO ALLAH: The basic purpose, role, function, responsibilities and duties that have been assigned to the earth is for our livelihood, subsistence, employment, economic condition and means of living. This mere fact should have led humanity to become utter and deeply grateful to Allah, in order to express our gratitude through striving with our full force, in terms of full submission to the laws of Allah by utilizing our faculties with our whole being and in utter gratitude through explicit actions. On the contrary, it’s a harsh reality that so few of us, as humanity, remain grateful and obedient to the laws of Allah and that too, to very few extents only.


  • THE SAJDA OF THE MALAIK TO ADAM: Allah has created us, and has given us best of the best form, shape with our physical and non-physical traits, our nature, DNA and the way we’re created. Allah then instructed and commanded the Malaik to do Sajda to Adam. Keeping in mind that Malaik are the owners, possessors and messengers of the powers, the processes and the forces of nature on the basis of which Allah has created and kept running the whole universe; and Adam is that stage of humanity, that has passed the initial evolutionary process of ‘Homo Sapiens’, has reached the stage with faculties to seek and use knowledge and have capacity for intellect and therefore appointed as Khalifa- the trustee, caretakers of the earth, who has been handed over the job to look after the earth and other lifeforms on the planet. The fact that Allah has commanded the Malaik to do Sajda, i.e., submit to, support, strengthen and be obedient of in complete and utter conviction the Adam, shows that it’s the ability of the humanity to seek and use knowledge on the basis of which Allah’s Malaik can then support, submit to, strengthen and be subservient to the humanity.


  • DIVINE WARNING NO. 1- IBLEES INABILITY TO DO SAJDA TO ADAM: All the Malaik of Allah would support, strengthen, submit to, and can become subservient to Adam, except Iblees, who is our main and chief enemy, who has been assigned duties by Allah to test humans against the presence of their free will, by always trying to mislead us, and go against our interests, and therefore the Malaik of Iblees could never be among those who would submit to us, support, strengthen us, work in our favors or be aligned to our interests. The reason why Iblees could never do Sajda to Adam is because the nature of duties as appointed for Iblees by Allah, is to bring about completion to Allah’s Amar of bringing to life the unchangeable, fixed and inflexible aspects of fire, devastation and destruction as associated with hell and hell-like Azaab. We, as humanity, on the other hand, has been created by Allah with such traits which are flexible, changeable, as we tend to get diverted and slip away from the fitrat of Allah, of Allah’s path, and became delusive, blind followers. It’s the job of Iblees to remain fixed and inflexible to lead the humanity towards the fire, destruction and hell-like Azaab. Thus, due to the appointment of duties to bring about destruction, to mislead humanity away from the path of Allah, to lead them to the hellfire and aspects of Naar, Iblees could never support humanity, strengthen or be of any help to humanity to further our interests.


  • DIVINE WARNING NO. 2: THE DUTIES OF IBLEES AS APPOINTED BY ALLAH & HOW THESE ARE CARRIED OUT BY IBLEES: The job of the Iblees is to make humanity fall and go down in terms of being downgraded, demoted, devalued, reduced and lowered in ranks, importance, prestige and value than the way they were created by Allah- as per Fitrat of Allah. Iblees carries out the whole process of thinking, observing, closely watching, by giving undivided attention, inspection, focus and by carrying out investigation in order to carry out the well-known and confirmed aspects, events, laws, people and elements of Shaytan; for which Iblees have been sent as a mission with a clearly defined objectives, i.e., to act as clear and chief enemy of humanity. The way Iblees carries out its duties is to magnify, boost, heighten and amplify the deeds of Shaytaan, in terms of making such deeds magnified, made to look bigger and greater in importance and significance, among humanity, in order to make them exit out, extract and withdraw such people as subdued, disgraced and humiliated.


  • DIVINE WARNING NO. 3: IBLEEES UTILIZES EACH AND EVERY ASPECT: In order to lure, deviate, mislead, astray, entice, as well as to rescind; quash; invalidate and annul covenant of humanity with Allah, Allah’s message and blessings, each and everything is used, manipulated, influenced, maneuvered and utilized by Iblees. This falls into following four categories 1) anything that is important or significant with respect to our efforts and actions, that we intend to put in efforts for, make struggle for, and earn for the Akhira as consequences of our efforts; 2) Any aspect of our duties of taking care of planet as Khaleefa, as trustee and caretakers of the planet earth and all its habitants; 3) anything that is important and significant with respect to our promises, covenants and oaths, including our covenant with Allah and 4) anything that is important or significate with respect to our distinctive and distinguishing traits and qualities. All these four aspects are used, manipulated, influenced, maneuvered and utilized by Iblees in order to make sure that most of the humanity and to a greater extent remain ungrateful, proud, arrogant and under the influence of Shaytaan, so much so, that Allah’s system, including the laws of nature and the laws of Deen, is not able to switch and replace this situation of being ungrateful, proud and subjugated by Shaytan.


  • ONE MAJOR EXCEPTION- QAWAID OF S’IRATE MUSTAQUEEM: In order to lure, deviate, mislead, astray, entice, as well as to rescind; quash; invalidate and annul covenant with Allah, Allah’s message and blessings, Iblees utilizes each and every aspect with only one exception- the Qawaid of S’iraat-e-Mustaqueen, which is not under the influence of Iblees. This means that the basic foundations and rules as established for the humanity by Allah related to all the ways, methods, processes, paths, conducts, behaviors, actions and procedures as ordained by Allah for us to remain standing firm and strong with perseverance and in steadfast manner, can never be influenced and/or used by Iblees to carry out its duties in order to lure and mislead humanity. It’s also highlighted through these Ayahs that only a small minority of human beings would remain steadfast and firm as per these Qawaid of S’iraat-e-Mustaqueem- who would be grateful to Allah, who would express this utter and deep gratitude through striving with their full force, in terms of their full submission to the Laws of Allah by utilizing their faculties with their whole being, in utter gratitude through explicit actions, while a wide majority of humanity would remain under the influence of Shaytan.


  • DIVINE WARNING NO. 4: END RESULT OF IBLEES PERFORMING ITS DUTIES: As a result of Iblees performing its duties as appointed to it by Allah, such people would be extracted out, withdrawn and made to exit out from the Shakir state of humanity who, under the influence of Shaytaan, would be bonded, entrapped and captured as well as overmastered, over powered, subdued and subjugated under the influence of Shaytaan. The end result would that those who follow and obey the Khutuwaat of Shaytaan, would be led towards hell being filled with them as their everlasting punishment, and final abode, as it would be through and as a result of the duties performed by the Malaik of Iblees that all these people together, as their judgment would face the accountability and the perfect recompense for them when Allah will fill the hell through the Iblees, by it performing it’s duties, for all of them as their perfect recompense of their actions.




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