Who are Yahood & Nasara?

Who are Yahood & Nasara?   As per Muslims whenever Quran refers the terms Yahood, it’s referring to Jews and whenever the term Nasara is mentioned, it refers to Christians. These are misinterpretations and misunderstood terminology. In Quran, Allah does is not talking about Jews or Christians when referring to Yahood or Nasara- as all wrong translation. In fact, this […]

The Same Kitaab for All

The Same Kitaab for All   As per Quran, it’s the same Kitaab that was revealed on All of Allah’s Rusul and Nabiyeen, which embodies the Kutub. i.e., all the rules and regulations by Allah. It is the Hidayah, the Deen- that’s given as blessings by Allah. When we read something and never act upon it, it is called reading […]

Who are Ahl-e-Kitaab?

Who are Ahl-e-Kitaab   Many Muslims are of the view that when Quran addresses or uses the term AHL-e-Kitaab it refers to Jews and Christian only and nothing to do with us as Muslims. My question to such Muslims would be, that whenever Allah says, Oh Ahl-e-Kitaab, Allah would address them and not us, the addressee of the Quran? It’s […]

Emaan on Allah’s Malaik

What is Emaan in light of Quran?   Unlike what most Muslims believe, Emaan does not mean blind faith which is devoid of reasoning and knowledge. On the contrary, Emaan as per Quran stems out from the word Aman and it means to accept truthfully, to be convinced with strong conviction and verification that comes after something has been verified […]

Emaan on Malaik- Includes Emaan on Iblees!

Is Iblees one of Malaik or Jinn? & If Malaik, what is Emaan on Iblees? Introduction:                                             Many Muslims are brought up with the opinion that Iblees was a Jinn, was made of fire, and since he used to worship Allah so dedicatedly that Allah elevated his position as a Malaik. Let’s see what Quran says about Iblees;   [Quran […]

Ayaat as Foundations of Deen

There are many Ayahs in Quran that gives us this important message. For instance in the following ayah, God says [10:101] Say, “Observe what is in the skies and the earth.” But of no avail will be Ayaat and the warners to people who do not believe- Emaan Also Refer the following ayah [05:10] But those who disbelieve and deny […]