Humans as Caretakers-Khalifa of the Planet Earth!

In light of Animal Rights THE STATE OF GLOBAL WARMING & IMPACTS OF HUMANITY ON EARTH As per the article published in May, 2022 ‘Are the Effects of Global Warming Really that Bad? Short answer: Yes’ (1) Five and a half degrees Fahrenheit- may not sound like much—perhaps the difference between wearing a sweater and not wearing one on an […]


WHO IS AL-MASEH IBN-E-MARYAM COMMON MISCONCEPTS   The word Maseh is normally assumed to be the title of Nabi Easa but there are three points which need to be noticed, which are as follows The word is used alongside with ‘AL’, meaning ‘the’ referring to a specific Maseh among the many. Quran has not used Al-Maseh alongside with Easa in […]

Quran Fahmi Classes for Children & Teens Age 8 to 17 Yrs

Register your children in the Quran Fahmi Classes by WQT- Worldwide Quran Thinkers For these Quran Fahmi classes, Alhamdullilah the children enjoy in a fun learning environment. Our focus is to build their confidence in understanding Deen, in being Muslims, the basic concepts of Deen, the stories from Quran, the key simple vocabulary, their motor skills through drawing and painting, […]

Dogs as Pets- As per Quran

Can we keep Dogs as Pets? Quran’s Guidance Why is it that dogs are considered dirty & unclean in the Muslim world? Why as per most Muslims it is prohibited to keep dogs as pets, especially inside the house? Why is it that a mere sight of a dog during prayer is considered to nullify a Muslim’s supplications? These and […]

Emaan on Malaik- Includes Emaan on Iblees!

Is Iblees one of Malaik or Jinn? & If Malaik, what is Emaan on Iblees? Introduction:                                             Many Muslims are brought up with the opinion that Iblees was a Jinn, was made of fire, and since he used to worship Allah so dedicatedly that Allah elevated his position as a Malaik. Let’s see what Quran says about Iblees;   [Quran […]

Allah as the Rahman the Raheem & the Concept of Mercy in Deen

The Concept of Mercy in Deen Is Allah the Most Merciful- the All-Forgiving? Lately we’ve seen a post going viral around in the social media depicting misconceptions that most Muslims have inherited from their forefathers. This viral post portrays a complete wrong concept of Maghfirah (مغفرة ) and ‘Afuw (عفو ). Both these words have been widely misunderstood and misinterpreted […]

Laylate ul-Qadr- Chapter 97 of Quran

(1) Indeed, We sent down during LAYL of the QADAR. (2) And what can make you know what is LAYL of the QADAR? (3) LAYL of the QADAR is KHAIRUN of thousand SHAHAR. (4) The MALAIK and ROOH descend therein by permission of their Rabb for every AMAR. (5) SALAMUN it is until the rising of the FAJAR. In order […]