Honorable Mention Award Holders- Age Group 2- Visual Arts Contest

Congratulations! To these well-deserved Honor Mention Award Holders. For the Visual Arts Contest, we received an overwhelming response, mashallah. It wasn’t an easy task to judge and select the winners and those who receive the honorable mention awards from so many amazing artworks of these talented young artists. Therefore, we would like to congratulate these Award Holders and their parents/guardians, […]

Honorable Mention Award Holders- Age Group 1- Visual Arts Contest 2021-Muslim Youth Talent Recognition

Congratulations! To these well-deserved Honor Mention Award Holders. For the Visual Arts Contest, we received an overwhelming response, mashallah. It wasn’t an easy task to judge and select the winners and those who receive the honorable mention awards from so many amazing artworks of these talented young artists. Therefore, we would like to congratulate these Award Holders and their parents/guardians, […]

WQT Hall of Fame- Visual Arts Contest 2021- Muslim Youth Talent Recognition by WQT

WQT Hall of Fame- Visual Arts Contest- 2021 For the Visual Arts Contest, we received an overwhelming response mashallah. It wasn’t an easy task to judge and select the winners and those who receive the honorable mention awards from so many amazing artworks of these talented young artists. But Hats off to our Judge, teacher and facilitator- Ms. Thaniath Siddiqui […]

Free Arts Workshop- To prepare for Visual Arts Competition

To attend the Free Arts workshop Topic: Muslim Talent Recognition- Visual Arts Contest- 2021 on Wednesday 26th May at 5p.m. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89821372194?pwd=NGJRVEpqTzdIZWJvV0NYaWsvR3N0dz09 Meeting ID: 898 2137 2194 Passcode: VisualArts To submit your entries In order to submit your entries, please fill in and sign this form and send it along with the scanned artwork in JPEG format to […]

WQT Hall of Fame- Writing Contest- Amal Hussainy- Winner- Age Group 2

Please read her Submitted work as follows Name: Amal Hussainy Age: 13yrs How Has My Life Changed Since the Pandemic Began? Covid-19, Coronavirus, frontline workers, sanitize, pandemic, PPE. I bet everybody globally has had their fair share of hearing these words reverberating in their ears. If not anything, it has certainly increased my vocabulary. It has been a year since […]