Foundations of Deen
Divine Guidance Surrounding Khamar, Alcohol & Drugs!

Divine Guidance Surrounding Khamar, Alcohol & Drugs!

In light of Ayahs 5:90-5:91


The word Khamar is normally translated as alcohol and drugs. Muslims in general are divided w.r.t. whether Alcohol and drugs are prohibited in Quran or not. And since there is no reference in Quran that prohibits Khamar, many Muslims are also under the impression that it’s permitted in the Deen-e-Islam. However, as per our study and in light of Ayahs 5:90-91, neither of these assumptions are backed by Quran. This article discusses, the following important questions in light of these couple of Ayahs

–          What does the word ‘Al-Khamru (الْخَمْرُ)’ refer to as per Quran?
–          Does it mean alcohols and drugs?
–          Is Khamar Prohibited as per Quran?
–          If it’s not, what are the reasons and the Divine Wisdom?
–          If it’s not Prohibited, does it mean one can consume alcohols and drugs for fun, socializing and entertainment purposes as well?
–          What exactly is the boundary of Deen w.r.t. Khamar and Why?
–          What are the divine warnings w.r.t. Khamar?



The earlier Ayahs of Surah Al-Ma’idah specially addressed to those who Amanu by giving us explicit divine instructions to not prohibit in the name of Deen what Allah has not. We can never prohibit what Allah has permitted for us, especially from those aspects which are our most likeable, favorable that we have acquired legally and are also allowed as per the laws of the land and the laws of Deen (Halalan T’ayyibaat).  Here we need to keep in mind those binding, firm and obligatory (Aqad) aspects of our covenant with Allah, which we cannot cross, are binding and obligatory upon those who Amanu. These binding terms of covenant with Allah is defined with respect to two important lists which combined together constitute the boundary of Deen. (1) The List of what is prohibited- Haram: is the boundary, which we cannot cross at any cost. Prohibitions are those aspects of Deen, that are clearly and distinctly mentioned as Haram by Allah in Quran. And (2) The List of extreme caution- Ajtanebu: This is basically a step down in terms of a milder prohibition than the word haram- the latter of which refers to prohibitions at all costs. Just because any aspect is not mentioned in the list of prohibitions or haram, does not in any case mean that it’s now in the category of Halalan Tayyibaan. Boundary of Deen: This boundary of Deen comprising of both these lists, is what we need to be extremely careful and cautious of. Allah has detailed each and every Aqad aspects of Prohibition and Extreme Caution list in detail, in the Quran, thus, it is not possible that anything could be missed, ignored or left to be mentioned. Anything that is not mentioned in Quran as per either of these lists, then and only then, can be considered as Halalan Tayyaban and as permitted.



Khamar is normally translated as wine, alcohol, intoxicants, drugs or any addictions but the concept of Khamar is used in Quran in much wider and broader meanings with the general characteristics in terms of covering, or hiding, or layering something and refers to anything that cover’s or spread out as a layer on one’s faculties, especially one’s intellect, thinking and reasoning (Aqal), rendering them ineffective, useless or futile. Although the concept of Khamar definitely includes addictions of any kind, such as drugs, wine, alcohol, intoxicants, or any other addictions, but this is a much broader and all-encompassing concept rather than being interpreted as drugs or alcohol only. The covering or layering of any of our faculties especially our Aqal- intellect, thinking or reasoning, in terms of coverings of these faculties to render them useless or ineffective, would include all things, aspects, actions such as if one is addicted to TV, Games, internet or any of the social media related addiction, would also qualify under this concept. Similarly, if one is blindly following someone or something with the end result of rendering their intellect and thinking as useless and ineffective would also be included as the concept of Khamar.

Khama is included in the list of Extreme Caution, but not in the List of Prohibition.



These couple of Ayahs of Surah Al-Maidah- Ayah no. 5:90 and 5:91, identifies following 4 aspects of our Aqad- binding, firm and obligatory terms that constitute the list of extreme caution (Ajtanebu), and which we cannot cross, unless absolutely necessary, needed and required, one of which is Khamar.


In Ayah 2:219, “They ask you about the Khamar and the Ma’eser’. Say, ‘In them is Is’mun Kabeeran and Munafa’a for the humanity’ but there Is’m is Akbar than their Nafa’a” is basically telling us important divine instructions as well as giving us reasons why Khamar is not among the prohibitions (Haram). For example, there are benefits and reasons (Nafa’a) from Khamar that one cannot avoid and becomes necessary. Consider for example, if someone needs to go for surgery, had Allah prohibited khamar, the person would not have been able to take Anesthesia, thus there are benefits, reasons and causes in Khamr because of which it’s not prohibited. Similarly, if one needs to take sleeping pills due to their medical condition of Insomnia as prescribed by doctors, or need to take heavy painkiller with elements of Khamar, then it would have been next to impossible to save lives had Allah mentioned Khamar as prohibitions. The same concept is equally applicable for one’s use of social media, internet, TV etc. all of which definitely have their uses too and therefore extreme caution have to be exercised to use them ONLY for their benefits and never to let them be Khamar which can lead to destruction of our mental, intellectual or other faculties. But the word is mentioned in the list of extreme caution (Ajtanebu) meaning that one has to avoid it and stay away from it at all costs, unless absolutely necessary and needed for instance in case of surgery for anesthesia or medications as prescribed by doctor etc.



Although Khamar is not among the prohibitions (Haram) but it has been included in the list of extreme caution: Thus, not mentioning Khamar as list of prohibitions does not in any case mean that one can indulge into it for fun or recreational in any manner whatsoever, since it’s still in the list of extreme caution and one has to stay away from it at all costs unless absolutely necessary and needed. The reasons as highlighted in these ayahs are as follows


(1)            KHAMAR IS RIJSAN:

The word Rijsan refers to behavior by those who do not Amanu as a result of which they are under the influence and impacts of (Khutuwaat of) Shaytaan- They are suffering from such condition (for example of blind following) whereby they are not aligned with how they are supposed to be as created by Allah (as intellectual and thinking creatures) thus they have disease (Maraz) in their hearts and minds (Quloob). They are obedient and followers of laws of those that oppose Allah in a state of war against Allah’s message (T’aghoot). The word Rijsan is used in Quran to refer to all the typical attributes and behaviors depicting moral, ethical or social disfigurement and contamination (Khinzeer) when a person commits any of these four acts of Rijsan which are therefore included in the list of extreme caution (Ajtanebu) which Allah has asked us to avoid at all costs unless absolutely necessary and needed.



Khamar is basically included as work and tools of Shaitan, which becomes an important element of Yureedu of Shaitaan- that is the whole system of Shaitaan comprising of its laws, followers (Zurriyaat), protectors, supporters, guardians (Awliyas), aspects, elements, rules, people, thoughts and acts of our own Nafs (Nafs-e- Ammara) etc.- all of which are done under the influence and impacts of Shaitaan (Khutuwaat of Shaitan) and the work (Amal) of Shaitaan.  Hence the reason why Khamar is included in the list of extreme caution and to be avoided at all costs unless absolutely necessary.




In Ayah 5:91, Allah has explained this divine directive as to why Allah has asked us to exercise extreme caution while at the same time highlighting important aspects of Khamar and Ma’eser “Only Yureedu the Shaytaan to cause between you the Auduwat and Baghza through Khamare and Maeser and S’addukum (hinder, misled) you from Zikar of Allah and from the S’alat..” Telling us that the whole system of Shaitaan (Yureedu) is leading to towards their desired destination, which is cause animosity and hatred (Auduwaat) as well as grudge, aversion, antipathy, detestability (Bughaz) among the members of society through acts of ‘Khamar and Ma’eser’. Thus, when people blindly follow without the use of their own Aqal, thinking and reasoning (Khamar) and by getting into their own comfort zone, easiness and effortlessness (Ma’iser), follow the man-made laws from outside the Quran (an act of Shirk) by associating themselves with any sect or religious group, they consider all others as non-believers and Kaafir which leads to elements of animosity, grudge, antipathy etc. among the members of the society.



Another aim of shaitan, its’ system and their desired destination by using these tools is to avert from the Zikr of Allah and from S’aalat (one’s contributions to the system of social care, justice for everyone to connect the members of society permanently with each other and to the fundamental aspects of Deen). The basic foundations of Deen is Ayaat of Allah, which by its definition means to pause, to think, to reflect and to use one’s faculties, especially thinking and intellect. Another foundation of Deen is Amanu, which means to seek knowledge, to use one’s faculties especially one’s intellect and reasoning to be at Aman- utter and deep conviction w.r.t. the five fundamentals of Emaan. Thus, if people become blind followers, without the use of their intellect, thinking and reasoning, it directly contradicts the basic foundations of Deen, then this act of blind following is against the system of Salat built on the parameters of Deen, Justice and Haqq. Additionally, the acts of Khamar, in terms of blind following and/ or lack of using one’s Aqal, averts from the Zikr of Allah in all its meanings i.e., avert from Quran; averting from understanding, and following Allah’s Hidayah and Allah’s Ayaat; avert from remembering all the blessings of Allah and being Shaakir of these blessings and; avert from taking lessons from previously told stories in Quran.



Khamar does not just include consuming alcohol or any sort of addictions such as drugs or intoxicants, as is normally interpreted, but also include addictions related to any of the social media platforms, internet, games etc. as well as not using one’s intellect or reasoning or blindly following someone or something are all also included in the definition of Khamar and termed as per the list of extreme caution by Quran. Anything that is not mentioned in Quran as per either of the lists of Prohibitions and Extreme Cautions, then and only then, can be considered as Halalan Tayyaban and as permitted. Since Khamar is mentioned in the list of extreme caution, it is NOT permitted as per Islam and one has to approach all aspects of Khamar with extreme caution and can not indulge, consume or engage in it unless absolutely necessary and needed.


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