Parents’ Testimonials of Quran Fahmi Classes
When we were kids, we were never taught how to understand Quran. The focus was always on reading, reciting and to finish the Quran ASAP. Let’s change the future for our children.
WQT- Worldwide Quran Thinkers- has been providing weekly Quran classes to Children, teenagers and young adults in order for them to understand the divine guidance. These classes teach basic concepts, Quranic ayahs and provide tools and tips to understand the Holy Quran and apply the divine guidance practically in their day to day lives.
For these Quran Fahmi classes, the children enjoy in a fun learning environment. Our focus, at Quran Thinkers, is to build their confidence in understanding Deen, the basic concepts of Deen, the key simple vocabulary, their motor skills through drawing and painting, their class participation through interactive discussion and making them a valuable member of the communities they live in. In 4- 5 sessions, the parents, see and feel their understanding of Quran, confidence, them being caring and active member of the household and the community and a Muslim who has knowledge of and who upholds the true Islamic Values. Please find below the Parent’s Testimonials from some of the parents of our students.
Fouzia Nasreen- Parent of Girl Age: 10
Assalamualaikum, my name is Fouzia and my daughter (aged 10 years) has been taking the WQT classes for over an year now. I am very happy with the progress she is making particularly in learning about the key concepts of Islam. She has been learning about the meanings of the Ayahs from the Qur’an which is amazing! Nazmin has been learning how to recite the Qur’an from other class but WQT class is enabling her to know the real meaning of the Qur’an which is an important step for two things: a) to understand about the bounties of Allah and appreciate them, and b) to know about the right behavior/ approach that will keep her in the path of Islam throughout her life.
As parents, we are always trying our best (esp. in the context of the Western culture we live in) to ensure that our kids learn the good approach and importance of being on the right path – the path of Islam – that will make them a good human being. I think WQT classes has immensely contributed to our attempt to make our child a good human being. I personally would like to thank and express my gratitude to the whole WQT team for their relentless efforts to make these classes insightful and interesting for the kids.
Loads of dua and best wishes to all the WQT team members and their families for this great initiative!! All the best. Thank you very much!
Munib Ali- Parent of 2 Teenaged Boys
I am based in the UK and came across WQT as part of a worldwide circle of fellow Quran students I was seeking. I got to know the founders of WQT through exchanging study notes on the translation of the Quran which WQT has been undertaking.
It then emerged that WQT were arranging Quran Fahmi classes for boys and girls and I immediately took up the opportunity to encourage my two teenage sons to sign up. My two sons and I study and discuss the learnings and reminders in the Quran regularly, along with the rest of our family – it is part of our daily lives; but it is testament to the quality of the Quran Fahmi classes that they love to attend them. There is always a new angle that the classes open their minds to. It is the only place that I know, outside of the safety of undertaking such study within our own home, that the Quran is studied through the lens of the Quran itself. The way the classes are run, it encourages the boys to think, to use their minds, to see the logic, to gather the confidence to discuss matters openly. Without this, how can one truly understand the wonderful messages from God and how can one truly connect with our Creator.
The founders of WQT clearly put so much time into the classes, and they do this without expecting anything in return except consistency in attendance. This is a fantastic deed, the appreciation for which is hard to put into words for me. My daughter is 6 years old and as her level of understanding and communication generally is reaching a certain level of maturity, I am intending to ask the founders of WQT soon if they may take her into one of her classes too.
I have encouraged other people outside of my family to sign up, and one of my sons got one of his best friends to join too. All this to say, if someone is seeking to get to understand the true, pristine message that has been given to us by our Creator, then joining one of the classes from WQT is highly recommended.
Sadaf Sami- Parent of 2 Children- Age: 10 & 11
My name is Sadaf Sami, I am a mother of 2 kids, 11 years old boy and 10-year-old girl. Both of them are enrolled with WQT for Quran Fehmi class. First of all, I would like to appreciate WQT for taking this incredible step in organizing these Quran Fehmi classes for the kids.
Since few years, I was in search of a place where my kids can learn and understand Quran. Moreover, I wanted my kids to understand the the real spirit of Islamic teachings from Quran. These Quran Fehmi classes have fulfilled my all requirements and much more. My kid’s learning experience in these classes so far has been rewarding and worthwhile. The teachers are dedicated and committed, and their teaching style is clear and precise. Additionally, the teachers are kind and patient with the students and try to engage them in every lesson, that’s the reason kids learn a lot from them. I am really impressed with their constant professionalism and efficiency.
Ever since my kids started these lessons, I’ve seen an amazing improvement in their learning and understanding the context of the Quran. During the lessons, they have also been encouraged to become a kind and responsible person in a society. Periodic art and writing competitions have been arranged by them which increases the child’s motivation and interest in the given topics.
Alhumdulillah my experience with WQT Quran Fehmi classes has been fantastic. For anyone looking to strengthen their child’s understanding of the Quran, I can’t recommend these classes enough. Since they’re online it means wherever you are in the world you can sign up for lessons! I would highly recommend their service to others, at all levels.
Masooma & Mohammed Ahmed- Parents of Sarah & Hannah- Age: 17 & 15
I am writing this testimony on behalf of myself and my husband. My teenage daughters, Sarah and Hannah, ages 17 and 15 are attending the online Quran Fehmi classes since last year. People who live here know how challenging it is to raise children in a society which is one of the biggest multi religious, non religious and cultural society. Quran Fehmi class has given us such a peace of mind in which our teen kids are engaged and learn positive things about our religion. Not even them but myself has learned to correct some misconceptions that I have been practicing my whole life. Shabnum is very knowledgeable and kind teacher. We are very pleased with the class and the teacher and we are grateful for such amazing service to our children.
Masooma and Mohammed Ahmed
Beenish Mahmood- Parent of Shiza- Age: 11
My name is Beenish. I am Shizas mother who is currently 11 years old and taking classes from Shabnam in Quran Fehmi Class for the past 1 year.
Shiza has gotten to know a great number of ayahs with their meaning through these classes. She enjoys the topics and stories related to our religion in these classes and she enjoys the discussion. She likes to discuss on the various topics that Shabnam teaches in the class related to the Islamic history and concepts.
Shabnam guides the students to be a good human being and this is very much required in the much-needed diverted world of today.
We are very grateful for Shabnam for her guidance and teaching.
Saher Kamil- Parent of Girl Age: 12
I truly appreciate the time and effort Infowaqt puts in to teach my 12-year-old daughter regarding Islam. Shabnam is a brilliant teacher and talks to the kids in a very friendly and age-appropriate manner. She provides clear meaning to surahs and ayahs of the Quran, and explains further with examples. I like the way she keeps my daughter engaged by asking questions and encouraging kids to engage in conversations.
-Saher Kamil (parent)
Beenish Jalil- Parent of 2 children
My kids started classes with them few weeks back and im very happy with the results.
Since here religious classes are not a part of schools so this is a wonderful opportunity for kids to learn about different subjects of islam.
There are two modules (one for small kids and other for slightly grown up kids).
They give homework every weak which is in form of drawings and kids enjoy doing it.
Best part is that this is free of charge so anyone can join these classes without worrying about financial implications.
Alhamdolillah im very happy with these classes.
May Allah give them jaza for this
Kinza Khan- Parent of 2 Children- Age: 6 & 8
Assalam o alaikum,
My children (6-year-old and 8-year-old) have taken Quran Fehmi classes for a year and we were pleased with the commitment of WQT in tough times when my children were doing online school due to the pandemic. The classes were engaging and encouraged the students to think about nature, Islamic history, and life in terms of kindness and gratitude. The module is revamping and I am sure it will be even better this time.
Thank you.
Mahwish Hassan- Parent of 2 Children- Age 9 & 11
My name is Mahwish and I have 9-year-old daughter and 11-year-old son who are enrolled in WQT Quran Fehmi classes for eight months. I am absolutely satisfied with the way my kids are understanding the contexts of Quran through these classes. I really appreciate the way teacher put efforts and come prepare and engages children throughout the class. Alhumdulillah, I am so glad to be able to enrol my kids in WQT Quran Fehmi classes where they get to learn and understand Quran every week including myself. My experience with WQT Quran Fehmi classes has been amazing. I would highly recommend all parents to enrol their kids in these classes if they wish their kids get to learn and understand Quran in a fun and interactive way.
Asna- Parent of an 8-year-Old
My 8-year-old daughter is enrolled in the WQT Quran fermi classes. And I am extremely happy and satisfied with how the classes are organized and conducted. The children are taught the Quran in the light of the scientific principles which is amazing. My daughter is excited to and looks forward to joining the sessions as she is understanding the scientific facts related to the Quran and the focus is on understanding the Quran and not just reciting and memorizing. Children in each class discuss what they are thankful for, act of kindness they did which will encourage them to be have more empathy towards others and will make them better individuals.
Classes are conducted with a lot of enthusiasm and sincerity and focus is on teaching the kids the implementation of the learnings from the Quran in everyday lives.
There have been competitions on writing and painting which add to the value of the classes. I would highly recommend these classes.