Right Approach for True Hidayah
[ Yunus 10:35-36] (35) Say, “Are there of your Shurka/’partners’ any who guides to the truth?” Say, ” Allah guides to the truth. So is He who guides to the truth more worthy to be followed or he who guides not unless he is guided? Then what is with you – how do you judge?” (36) And most of them follow not except assumption. Indeed, assumption avails not against the truth at all. Indeed, Allah is Knowing of what they do.
In the above ayah God almighty is clearly advising people that it is only GOD who gives hidayah, no one can guide any one towards right path untill GOD almighty guides that person before. It is always better for a person to get the guidance and hidayah first from GOD ALMIGHTY directly through Quran and then tell other people what’s in the Quran.
Question is, how to get guidance from ALLAH?. The best teacher in DEEN is Quran, words of GOD, this is the book which has no limitations, it is a Divine book, a divine guidance from GOD almighty who has no limitations, who has undoubtful abilities to send down a book which is self explanatory, which can land on a heart of a person, if that heart is clean and willing to take hidayah without any preconceived ideas which we inherited from our forefathers.
Hidayah can only comes from GOD almighty, which can only be possible from Quran, we need to approach Quran directly, for that divine guidance, which is Furqan, criteria for right and wrong, complete book of DEEN. Once we know what is in Quran, what are the guidelines, parameters and boundaries of life and Deen, what are the commandments of GOD almighty, then and then only we can authenticate teachings of someone else in the matters of DEEN.
May GOD almighty give us hidayah to understand Quran.