Surah Al-A’raf – Ayah No. 73 – 79

Surah Al-A’raf – Ayah # 73 – 79 (7:73 – 7:79)


٧٣  وَإِلَىٰ ثَمُودَ أَخَاهُمْ صَالِحًا ۗ قَالَ يَا قَوْمِ اعْبُدُوا اللَّهَ مَا لَكُمْ مِنْ إِلَٰهٍ غَيْرُهُ ۖ قَدْ جَاءَتْكُمْ بَيِّنَةٌ مِنْ رَبِّكُمْ ۖ هَٰذِهِ نَاقَةُ اللَّهِ لَكُمْ آيَةً ۖ فَذَرُوهَا تَأْكُلْ فِي أَرْضِ اللَّهِ ۖ وَلَا تَمَسُّوهَا بِسُوءٍ فَيَأْخُذَكُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ

[Quran 7:73] And to S’amood their Akhahum (أَخَاهُمْ) S’waliha. Qala (قَالَ), ‘O Quom (قَوْمِ) A’abadu (اعْبُدُوا) Allah. What is for you from deity Ghairihi (غَيْرُهُ). Certainly Ja’atkum (جَاءَتْكُمْ) you Bayyinat (بَيِّنَةٌ) from your Rabb (رَبِّكُمْ). This is Naqatu (نَاقَةُ) Allah – for you Ayaatan (آيَةً). Then Zaruha (فَذَرُوهَا) it you Takul (تَأْكُلْ) in Arze (أَرْضِ) of Allah. And not you Masuha (تَمَسُّوهَا) it with Suwae (بِسُوءٍ), so Yakhusukum (فَيَأْخُذَكُمْ) you Azaab (عَذَابٌ) Aleem (أَلِيمٌ).’


٧٤  وَاذْكُرُوا إِذْ جَعَلَكُمْ خُلَفَاءَ مِنْ بَعْدِ عَادٍ وَبَوَّأَكُمْ فِي الْأَرْضِ تَتَّخِذُونَ مِنْ سُهُولِهَا قُصُورًا وَتَنْحِتُونَ الْجِبَالَ بُيُوتًا ۖ فَاذْكُرُوا آلَاءَ اللَّهِ وَلَا تَعْثَوْا فِي الْأَرْضِ مُفْسِدِينَ

[Quran 7:74] ‘And Azkaru (وَاذْكُرُوا) when Ja’alkum (جَعَلَكُمْ) you Khulufa’a (خُلَفَاءَ) from after A’adin and Bawakum (وَبَوَّأَكُمْ) you in the Arze (الْأَرْضِ). You Khuzu (تَتَّخِذُونَ) from Sohuleha (سُهُولِهَا) Q’us’uran (قُصُورًا) and Tanhetuna (وَتَنْحِتُونَ) the Jibaala (الْجِبَالَ) Bayutan (بُيُوتًا). Then Azkauru (فَاذْكُرُوا) A’ala’a (آلَاءَ) of Allah and not Ta’s’u (تَعْثَوْا) in the Arze (الْأَرْضِ) Mufsedeen (مُفْسِدِينَ).’


٧٥  قَالَ الْمَلَأُ الَّذِينَ اسْتَكْبَرُوا مِنْ قَوْمِهِ لِلَّذِينَ اسْتُضْعِفُوا لِمَنْ آمَنَ مِنْهُمْ أَتَعْلَمُونَ أَنَّ صَالِحًا مُرْسَلٌ مِنْ رَبِّهِ ۚ قَالُوا إِنَّا بِمَا أُرْسِلَ بِهِ مُؤْمِنُونَ

[Quran 7:75] Qala (قَالَ) the Mala’a (الْمَلَأُ)- those Astakbaru (اسْتَكْبَرُوا) from his Quom (قَوْمِهِ) to those Astuza’efu (اسْتُضْعِفُوا) to those Amana (آمَنَ) from them, ‘Do you Ta’lamun (أَتَعْلَمُونَ) that S’waliha Mursalun (مُرْسَلٌ) from his Rabb (رَبِّهِ).’ Qalu (قَالُوا), ‘Indeed, we with what Arsala (أُرْسِلَ) with it are Mominun (مُؤْمِنُونَ).’


٧٦  قَالَ الَّذِينَ اسْتَكْبَرُوا إِنَّا بِالَّذِي آمَنْتُمْ بِهِ كَافِرُونَ

[Quran 7:76] Qala (قَالَ) those who Astakbaru (اسْتَكْبَرُوا), ‘Indeed, we with what you Amantum (آمَنْتُمْ) with it are Kaafirun (كَافِرُونَ).’


٧٧  فَعَقَرُوا النَّاقَةَ وَعَتَوْا عَنْ أَمْرِ رَبِّهِمْ وَقَالُوا يَا صَالِحُ ائْتِنَا بِمَا تَعِدُنَا إِنْ كُنْتَ مِنَ الْمُرْسَلِينَ

[Quran 7:77] Then, A’qaru (فَعَقَرُوا) the Naqata (النَّاقَةَ) and A’taw (وَعَتَوْا) towards Amare (أَمْرِ) their Rabahim (رَبِّهِمْ) and Qalu (وَقَالُوا), ‘Oh S’waliha! bring us with what you Ta’eduna (تَعِدُنَا) if Kunta (كُنْتَ) from the Mursaleen (الْمُرْسَلِينَ).’


٧٨  فَأَخَذَتْهُمُ الرَّجْفَةُ فَأَصْبَحُوا فِي دَارِهِمْ جَاثِمِينَ

[Quran 7:78] Then, Akhaztuhum (فَأَخَذَتْهُمُ) them the Rajfatu (الرَّجْفَةُ). Then As’bahu (فَأَصْبَحُوا) from their Daar (دَارِهِمْ) Jas’emeen (جَاثِمِينَ).


٧٩  فَتَوَلَّىٰ عَنْهُمْ وَقَالَ يَا قَوْمِ لَقَدْ أَبْلَغْتُكُمْ رِسَالَةَ رَبِّي وَنَصَحْتُ لَكُمْ وَلَٰكِنْ لَا تُحِبُّونَ النَّاصِحِينَ

[Quran 7:79] Then, Tawalla (فَتَوَلَّىٰ) upon them and Qala (وَقَالَ), ‘Oh Quom (يَا قَوْمِ), so that certainly I have Balaghkum (أَبْلَغْتُكُمْ) you Risalat (رِسَالَةَ) of my Rabby (رَبِّي) and Nas’ahta (وَنَصَحْتُ) for you but not you Tuhebuna (تُحِبُّونَ) the Nas’eheen (النَّاصِحِينَ).’





The earlier Ayahs of Surah Al-A’raf discusses the Concept of Quomin Yashkarun, establishing and strengthening acts of as well as those who do Shukar. In order to establish and strengthen the expression of utter gratitude towards Allah through striving with full force, in terms of full submission of Allah’s laws by utilizing our faculties with whole being, in gratitude through explicit actions, Allah has explained in detail through diversification and through many aspects and events- one of which is in the form of Allah’s sending and appointing of Allah’s Rasool.


Additionally, the earlier Ayahs summarizes the endeavors of Quom-e- Nuh as well as Quom-e- Aad to establish and strengthen their nations. Through these stories, the earlier Ayahs have taught us the Purpose, Duties and Endeavors of Allah’s Rasool. With the basic aim to establish and strengthen humanity, the aim of Allah’s Rasool is to become their pillar of strength and support by leading them the way towards Allah’s Hidaya and guidance. The endeavors of Allah’s Rasool is always to convince people to follow the laws of Allah in complete obedience by being extra careful and cautious of following and abiding by these laws of Allah and to discontinue the blind following of laws from besides Allah. Allah’s Rasool’s basic duty is to deliver the message from the Rabb of the Aalimeen. The Rasool of Allah is Nas’eh, a sincere, truthful and serious advisor to humanity. The whole endeavor of Rasool of Allah is to convince the humanity to understand and implement the Ayaat of Allah, remember the blessings of Allah by becoming Aabid- follower of Allah’s laws and Shakir, by being utterly grateful and learn lessons from stories of previous nations. The endeavors of Allah’s Rasool is to convince the humanity that there is only one deity, whose laws we should all follow since Allah is the only and the same deity, the whole, the all-encompassing being. The deity of humanity is not faraq, i.e., not distinct or different at all from each other but it’s the Wahid- the same. Therefore, Rasool of Allah endeavors to prepare humanity for the future by taking actions right now so as to get the most desirable recompense and accountability and to caution and warn them against their current customs, traditions, rituals and practices.


Our Role as Khalifa on Earth: Allah has appointed humanity and assigned duties to us as Khalifa on earth i.e., trustee and caretaker of the earth, in order to take care of the planet and all its inhabitants. Allah has appointed the humanity as Khalifa by setting in place the whole process that has cemented and fortified us in the position of being caretaker of the other creations of Allah through facilitating, spreading out, extending to exert influence, authority, power, and strength to us. Thus, it is our duty as Khalifa on earth that we should, in an utter and deep gratitude to Allah, read, understand and apply the Ayaat of Allah, remember the blessings of Allah and follow the laws of Allah in utter gratitude and learn lessons from stories of previous nations as mentioned in the Kitaab up to its epitome so that we can become successful in both the worlds. Thus, those who follow the Rasool of Allah and Allah’s message, by taking care of their duties as Khalifa on earth, would align themselves with the system of Allah, the laws of nature and the laws of Deen, because of which they would be rescued and saved from the impacts of societal norms and Khutuwaat e Shaitaan with the help of Allah’s Rahmat as source of life and lifeline; success and prosperity; shield and protection; unprecedented growth and progress and selfless love and care from Allah’s systems and laws.


CUSTOMES & PRACTICES OF HUMANITY: Just like for all the other Rasool of Allah, Quome Nuh and Quome Aad also reflected the practices of humanity in a general sense since they belong to the majority and were deeply engulfed in practices, rituals and customs of blind following. As humanity in general and most of them take up deities whose laws they follow in matters of deen, who are besides Allah, in opposition to and contradiction of Allah. Humanity in a general sense, base their actions and endeavors on what is inherited from their forefathers, whose laws they obey, the deity they do abd for, the customs, traditions, norms and cultures they follow in blind followings. Being in majority, they all unite against their Rasool, as if their Rasool has limited understanding, who lacks knowledge and is not mature enough to understand matters since the Rasool of Allah would always deny, and reject these acts of shikr and the societal practices that are prevalent among their societies and cultures for generations.


The factors behind these Blind followings and the Results: Since most of the humanity do not Amanu, they do not use their faculties to seek knowledge, and are ungrateful and prideful towards Allah’s blessings and message, they get engulfed in blind following of their societal norms, culture, rituals, traditions, and customs. They take up deities from besides Allah, whose laws they follow blindly and these Shuraka’a whose laws they follow instead of Allah’s, they caused upon humanity such morally, ethically, and socially disfigured and contaminated behavior that are evidenced of them not using their intellect, doing of Kufar, and being under the influence and impacts of Khutuwaat of Shaytaan. Them being under extreme forms of blind following result in humanity not being aligned with how humans are supposed to be as created by Allah as intellectual, thinking, caring and reasoning humans. Thus, such people work in opposition to and disconnected by the whole system of Allah because of which the Allah’s system does not support them and remain in a state of war against them. Through blindly following these laws of their Shuraka’a, they have replaced the message of Allah with what is communicated to them as laws of Deen by their Shuraka’a and what they have inherited from their forefathers. Thus, they ended up being the ones who deny, reject, make fun of, ridicule the specific Ayaat of Allah as is relevant to them and take them as a joke. Since their conducts and behaviors are in direct opposition of Allah’s system, their powers, resources, ways and means of providing strength and stability for them are disconnected, cut off, severed and discontinued by the system of Allah. This is the law of requital and perfect recompense put in place and set in motion by Allah.



In Ayah 7:73, “And to S’amood their Akhahum (أَخَاهُمْ) S’waliha. Qala (قَالَ), ‘O Quom (قَوْمِ) A’abadu (اعْبُدُوا) Allah. What is for you from deity Ghairihi (غَيْرُهُ). Certainly Ja’atkum (جَاءَتْكُمْ) you Bayyinat (بَيِّنَةٌ) from your Rabb (رَبِّكُمْ). This is Naqatu (نَاقَةُ) Allah – for you Ayaatan (آيَةً). Then Zaruha (فَذَرُوهَا) it you Takul (تَأْكُلْ) in Arze (أَرْضِ) of Allah. And not you Masuha (تَمَسُّوهَا) it with Suwae (بِسُوءٍ), so Yakhusukum (فَيَأْخُذَكُمْ) you Azaab (عَذَابٌ) Aleem (أَلِيمٌ).”


And to S’amood their pillar of strength and support (أَخَاهُمْ) was S’waliha, who reflected from his conducts & speech that (قَالَ), ‘O those whom I am trying to strengthen and establish (قَوْمِ) follow in complete obedience and submission the laws of (اعْبُدُوا) Allah. What is for you from deity other than, in opposition and contradiction of Allah (غَيْرُهُ). Certainly, has been brought to fruition (جَاءَتْكُمْ) upon you what distinguishes the path of Allah and gives you clear and distinct evidences, and proofs (بَيِّنَةٌ) from your Rabb (رَبِّكُمْ). This is nothing to do with (نَاقَةُ) Allah – which you have taken as Allah’s sign (آيَةً). Then discontinue, disengage and abolish (فَذَرُوهَا) it that you are engaged in, consume and take benefit from (تَأْكُلْ) in the temporary life here in the planet earth (أَرْضِ) of Allah. And not you live like this for long, and do not let it advance and mature upon you being in (تَمَسُّوهَا) it with such acts, sayings and deeds that are unpleasant and uncomfortable not just physically to others but feels bad and unpleasant to their whole being; that create Fasaad, imbalance and destruction in society causing disbalance, division and discord; that involves making such trade or transactions, with a focus of selfish interests and egoistic desires through deceit and destruction for others , aiming to earn wealth and money at the cost of others; that are reflective of worst behavior towards others, not giving them respect, honor, dignity, justice or suppressing their due rights- basically all such deed, actions or sayings, which are at, such a worst level that, if known, would be extremely embarrassing and shameful for those committing such deeds (بِسُوءٍ), so do you seize, grab hold strongly (فَيَأْخُذَكُمْ) such recompense and accountability due to your deeds that results in extreme painful, tormented, agonizing, excruciating forms of punishments and suffering Azaab (عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ).’


After describing the stories of Quom-e- Nuh and Aad, these Ayahs now illustrate the story of Quom-e-S’amood, in a bid to teach us important divine lessons. To Quom-e- S’amood, Rasool S’walih was appointed as their Rasool, their pillar of strength and support who endeavored for them to follow in complete obedience and submission the laws of Allah only. The Quom, however, just like previous nations, were deeply ingulfed in cultures, rituals, and traditions, that they have been following in obedience and submission. These practices and laws that they were following were not only, other than from Allah, since they had taken deities from besides Allah, whose laws they were following in complete submission, but these laws and practices were direct in opposition and contradiction of Allah’s laws and commands. They had taken such things, aspects, laws, practices, elements etc. as part of their deen and religion, which they mistook as Ayaat and Signs of Allah, whereas these have nothing to do with Allah. Thus, the whole purpose and endeavor of Rasool S’walih was for them to discontinue, disengage and abolish these practices during this life on this earth. He persisted in his efforts so that his Quom do not let such practices advance and mature them since these rituals, traditions, laws and practices that they were endulged in were unpleasant and uncomfortable to others in the society, they create Fasaad, imbalance and destruction in society causing disbalance, division and discord; done with a focus of selfish interests and egoistic desires through deceit and destruction for others, aiming to earn wealth and money at the cost of others; that are reflective of worst behavior towards others, not giving them respect, honor, dignity, justice or suppressing their due rights- basically all such deed, actions or sayings, which are at, such a worst level that, if known, would be extremely embarrassing and shameful for those committing such deeds. Thus, his whole efforts were for his Quome to avoid such recompense and accountability which is the result of these acts, i.e., extreme painful, tormented, agonizing, excruciating forms of punishments and sufferings.


Ayah 7:74, “And Azkaru (وَاذْكُرُوا) when Ja’alkum (جَعَلَكُمْ) you Khulufa’a (خُلَفَاءَ) from after A’adin and Bawakum (وَبَوَّأَكُمْ) you in the Arze (الْأَرْضِ). You Khuzu (تَتَّخِذُونَ) from Sohuleha (سُهُولِهَا) Q’us’uran (قُصُورًا) and Tanhetuna (وَتَنْحِتُونَ) the Jibaala (الْجِبَالَ) Bayutan (بُيُوتًا). Then Azkauru (فَاذْكُرُوا) A’ala’a (آلَاءَ) of Allah and not Ta’s’u (تَعْثَوْا) in the Arze (الْأَرْضِ) Mufsedeen (مُفْسِدِينَ).”


‘And understand and implement the Ayaat of Allah, take lessons from the stories of previous nations as narration in the Quran, remember the blessings of Allah and be obedient of Allah’s Laws in utter and deep gratitude (وَاذْكُرُوا) when you have been appointed for duties as (جَعَلَكُمْ) caretaker and trustee (خُلَفَاءَ) from after the nation of A’ad and you have inherited from your forefathers (وَبَوَّأَكُمْ) during your temporary life here on the planet earth (الْأَرْضِ). You seized and grabbed-hold strongly (تَتَّخِذُونَ) from ease and comfort (سُهُولِهَا) surrounding it from all sides as your protection and shield (قُصُورًا) and incise, cut through, eat away and erode (وَتَنْحِتُونَ) from what you created and caused to exit by yourselves (الْجِبَالَ) as your secured resting places where you find ease, peace and comfort (بُيُوتًا). Then understand and implement the Ayaat of Allah, take lessons from the stories of previous nations as narration in the Quran, remember the blessings of Allah and be obedient of Allah’s Laws in utter and deep gratitude (فَاذْكُرُوا) at it height and epitome (آلَاءَ) of Allah and not become such people, who cause destruction in the society by becoming part of it and then multiplying themselves, their impacts and cause destruction from within (تَعْثَوْا) during the temporary life here on the planet earth (الْأَرْضِ) as those who create Fasad, corruption and destruction (مُفْسِدِينَ).’


Rasool S’walih’s conducts and speech to him quom was for them to understand and implement the Ayaat of Allah, take lessons from the stories of previous nations as narrated in Allah’s message, remember the blessings of Allah and be obedient of Allah’s Laws in utter and deep gratitude. Especially the fact that humanity has been appointed as Khalifa on earth, as caretaker and trustee of the planet earth and all of its habitants- this duty along with all its privileges and resources have been inherited by Quom-e-S’amood from Quom-e- Aad. But instead of taking care of their duties and responsibilities, they exploited the resources and privileges of being Khalifa on earth by surrounding themselves from all sides as shield and protection, such comfort and ease that erode and incised the duties of being Khalifa on earth with the help of what they had created themselves i.e. acts, practices, cultures, laws and acts of shirk, that they follow instead of Allah’s laws and they took such practices as their secured resting places where they were at home with , in terms of them finding, ease, comfort and peace in such practices.  On the other hand, Rasool S’walih kept on trying his best for them to understand and implement the Ayaat of Allah, take lessons from the stories of previous nations, remember the blessings of Allah and be obedient of Allah’s Laws in utter and deep gratitude, and not become such people, who cause destruction in the society by becoming part of it and then multiplying themselves, their impacts and cause destruction from within on the planet; as those who create Fasad, corruption and destruction on earth.


Ayah 7:75, “Qala (قَالَ) the Mala’a (الْمَلَأُ)- those Astakbaru (اسْتَكْبَرُوا) from his Quom (قَوْمِهِ) to those Astuza’efu (اسْتُضْعِفُوا) to those Amana (آمَنَ) from them, ‘Do you Ta’lamun (أَتَعْلَمُونَ) that S’waliha Mursalun (مُرْسَلٌ) from his Rabb (رَبِّهِ).’ Qalu (قَالُوا), ‘Indeed, we with what Arsala (أُرْسِلَ) with it are Mominun (مُؤْمِنُونَ).”

Ayah 7:76, “Qala (قَالَ) those who Astakbaru (اسْتَكْبَرُوا), ‘Indeed, we with what you Amantum (آمَنْتُمْ) with it are Kaafirun (كَافِرُونَ).”


Reflected from their conducts & speech (قَالَ) the people coming together in a pack or group in a joint collaborative manner (الْمَلَأُ)- those are proud, arrogant, dignified, dominating and elite segments of the society (اسْتَكْبَرُوا) from those whom he was trying to strengthen and establish (قَوْمِهِ) to those who are under a compound weakness state, to refer to such group of people in the society, who are oppressed, subjugated, burdened, overloaded, demoralized, exploited, coerced, dominated, repressed or afflicted by others (the dominated ones) in terms of non-provision of their basic human rights and free will (اسْتُضْعِفُوا)- as these are those who use their intellect and skills to seek knowledge to be at a state of deep and utter conviction (آمَنَ) from them, ‘Do you know that (أَتَعْلَمُونَ) that S’waliha is the one who received the message (مُرْسَلٌ) from his Rabb (رَبِّهِ)?’ Reflected from their conducts & speech (قَالُوا), ‘Indeed, we with what is sent by Allah as the message (أُرْسِلَ) with it we are the ones who use our intellect to seek knowledge in order to be utterly convinced with the message of Allah (مُؤْمِنُونَ).’

Reflected from their conducts & speech (قَالَ) those who those are proud, arrogant, dignified, dominating and elite segments of the society (اسْتَكْبَرُوا), ‘Indeed, we with what you seek knowledge of, use intellect and skills for, to be at utter conviction (آمَنْتُمْ) with it are those who aim to conceal, hide, reject, mislead from and deny (كَافِرُونَ).’


In response to Rasool S’walih’s endeavors and attempts, proud, arrogant, dominating and elite segments of his Quom, came together in a joint collaborative manner against the Rasool and those who were under a compound suppression state, who were oppressed, subjugated, demoralized, exploited, coerced, dominated, repressed and afflicted by the dominating ones in terms of non-provision of their basic human rights and free will, who were in a state of peace and goodwill for others and who use their intellect and skills to seek knowledge to be at a state of deep and utter conviction. Thus, the proud and arrogant ones’ interactions with the suppressed and peaceful ones were interrogatory as if how are they sure that their Rasool S’walih is the one who has received the message from their Rabb? The response to such interrogations by those who Amanu, that, ‘We are sure, it’s because of the fact that we have used our intellect to seek knowledge in order to be utterly convinced with this message of Allah and based on our conviction, after having sought knowledge of Allah’s message and being convinced of it, we are sure that the Rasool is the one who has received the message of our Rabb.  In response to the conducts and speech by those who are the suppressed ones and those who Amanu, the behaviours of those who were dominating, proud and arrogant ones is always to hide, conceal, reject and deny the Allah’s message. In their utter state of pride and arrogance, they fail to not only use their intellect or seek knowledge of Allah’s Kitaab, but also by being ungrateful of Allah’s blessings and taking all the privileges and the resources as if they are the ones who are the source of all this, their approach towards Allah’s Ayaat, Allah’s message, those who are peaceful, those who Amanu, and those who are the suppressed ones is that of pride, self-importance, condescension, and egotism.


Ayah 7:77, “Then, A’qaru (فَعَقَرُوا) the Naqata (النَّاقَةَ) and A’taw (وَعَتَوْا) towards Amare (أَمْرِ) their Rabahim (رَبِّهِمْ) and Qalu (وَقَالُوا), ‘Oh S’waliha! bring us with what you Ta’eduna (تَعِدُنَا) if Kunta (كُنْتَ) from the Mursaleen (الْمُرْسَلِينَ).’

Ayah 7:78, “Then, Akhaztuhum (فَأَخَذَتْهُمُ) them the Rajfatu (الرَّجْفَةُ). Then As’bahu (فَأَصْبَحُوا) from their Daar (دَارِهِمْ) Jas’emeen (جَاثِمِينَ).”


Then, got addicted to (فَعَقَرُوا) these rituals and traditions which have nothing to do with Allah (النَّاقَةَ) and went on extreme, exceeding all boundaries and being rebellious (وَعَتَوْا) towards the command, order and instruction of (أَمْرِ) their Rabb (رَبِّهِمْ) and reflected from their conducts & speech (وَقَالُوا), ‘Oh S’waliha! bring us with what you think should be our appointment of perfect recompense and accountability for us (تَعِدُنَا) if you aim to reach the destination through your conducts as (كُنْتَ) being among those who have received Allah’s message (الْمُرْسَلِينَ).”

Then, seized and grabbed hold strongly to (فَأَخَذَتْهُمُ) them to be moved, caused to move irregularly, forcefully, in violent motion, to be trembled, shaken, or shuddered (الرَّجْفَةُ). Then became lifelong companions (فَأَصْبَحُوا) from their stronghold, domination, an iron-grip standing, situation, stature and position (دَارِهِمْ) that persist, caused to persist, stayed at their position, stage, mindset and behaviors (جَاثِمِينَ).


Thus, in their pride, egotism, and arrogance, they got addicted and drowned in their rituals, traditions and laws of their Shuraka’a, the deities who they have taken up from other than Allah- all of which has nothing to do with Allah. As a result, they went on extreme, exceeding all boundaries and became rebellious against the command, order, and instruction of Allah, the one who was carrying out the whole process of Rabobiat for them. They were so self-confident in their self-righteousness that they asked their Rasool to bring to them the appointment of perfect recompense and accountability for them, if the Rasool is among those who have received Allah’s message. Then, seized and grabbed hold strongly to them to be moved, caused to move irregularly, forcefully, in violent motion, to be trembled, shaken, or shuddered. This could both be physical manifestation in terms of being shaken by an earthquake or tornado that keft them trembled or even in a metaphoric sense of being struck hard by life. When people are not connected with Allah’s system of natural laws and laws of Deen, they go into a metaphoric state of war, with the whole universe uniting forces against them. Thus, this description is the happening of perfect accountability for them based on their egoistic actions, deeds and choices, the result of which was them becoming a lifelong companion of their stronghold domination, the iron-grip stature and position of their actions that persisted and stayed with them as their permanent position, stage, mindset, and behaviors.


Ayah 7:79, “Then, Tawalla (فَتَوَلَّىٰ) upon them and Qala (وَقَالَ), ‘Oh Quom (يَا قَوْمِ), so that certainly I have Balaghkum (أَبْلَغْتُكُمْ) you Risalat (رِسَالَةَ) of my Rabby (رَبِّي) and Nas’ahta (وَنَصَحْتُ) for you but not you Tuhebuna (تُحِبُّونَ) the Nas’eheen (النَّاصِحِينَ).”


Then, turned away from, disobeyed, disconnected from and repelled away from (فَتَوَلَّىٰ) upon them and reflected from his conducts & speech (وَقَالَ), ‘Oh those whom I am trying to strengthen and establish (يَا قَوْمِ), so that certainly I have made sure that it reaches it destination and delivered (أَبْلَغْتُكُمْ) you the message (رِسَالَةَ) of my Rabb (رَبِّي) and sincerely and honestly advised you as your well-wisher (وَنَصَحْتُ) for you but not you like (تُحِبُّونَ) those who are sincere and honest advisors for you (النَّاصِحِينَ).’


Thus, after having tried his level best, observing their permanent and iron grip life stance, their Rasool did not have a choice except to turn away from them. Because, up until that point, he had been trying to strengthen and establish them, by making sure that the message of Allah reaches its destination and is delivered to them. The Rasool has been nothing but a sincere and honest advisor to them, but he then realized that they do not like those who are sincere and honest advisors. So after having delivered Allah’s message and having tried his level best, observing their strong hold opinions, practices, and views, he finally turned away and disconnected from them.



These Ayahs of Surah Al-A’raf i.e., 7:73 to 79 are strongly connected to the earlier Ayahs which give us the story of Quom-e- Nuh and Quom-e- Aad. These Ayahs through the story of Quom-e- S’amuud give us the following lessons.


  1. HOW HUMANITY DOES SHIRK: People get engulfed in their set routines, rituals, and practices, which were based upon them having taken up deities, whose laws they follow in matters of Deen. These laws are not only other than the laws of Allah, but are in fact in direct opposition, contradiction of and against the laws of Allah. Humanity ends up following these laws and practices in blind following and complete obedience. Through the years and generations, people take up deities from besides Allah, whose laws they follow in complete obedience as part of their Deen and religion by mistaking these as if they are Ayaat and Signs of Allah. These things, aspects, laws, practices, rituals, traditions, and elements are assumed to be, as if these are commandments of Allah and hence taken up as part of their Deen, whereas all of these are acts of Shirk, completely disconnected from Allah and have nothing to do with Allah.
  2. THESE ACTS OF SHIRK HAVE ELEMENTS OF FASAAD: These acts of Shirk have elements of Fasaad, unpleasant and uncomfortable to others in the society, with aim to create imbalance and destruction, disbalance, division and discord; undertaken with egoistic and selfish interests, through deceit and destruction for others, with aims to earn wealth and money at the cost of others; reflective of worst behavior towards others, not giving them respect, honor, dignity, justice or suppressing their due rights.


  1. RASOOL’S ENDEAVORS: Just like any other Rasool of Allah, Rasool Nuh, Huud and S’walih, all aimed to establish and strengthen their nations. All the Rasool of Allah strived towards three basic aspects (1) for their nations to follow the law of Allah in complete submission and obedience by coming out of their comfort zones and distancing themselves from such practices and rituals of Shirk; (2) Another basic purpose and endeavors of all of Allah’s Rasool is for their nations to discontinue, disengage and abolish the practices and acts of Shirk- so that somehow their nations do not let such practices advance and mature upon them; and (3) All of Allah’s Rasool endeavors are for their nations to understand and implement the Ayaat of Allah, take lessons from the stories of previous nations as narrated in Allah’s message, remember the blessings of Allah and be obedient of Allah’s Laws in utter and deep gratitude, especially the commandment of Allah and appointment of us as Khalifa on earth- as caretaker and trustee of the planet earth and all its habitants. This duty along with all its privileges and resources is inherited by each generation from their forefathers and must be upheld and honored as per the basic commandment of Allah.


  1. INSTEAD OF BEING KHALIFA, HUMANITY CREATES FASAAD FROM WITHIN: Instead of taking care of their duties and responsibilities, humanity exploits the resources and privileges of being Khalifa on earth by surrounding themselves from all sides as shield and protection, such comfort and ease that erode and incised the duties of being Khalifa on earth. They do this with the help of what they had created themselves i.e., acts, practices, cultures, laws and acts of shirk, that they follow instead of Allah’s laws and they took such practices as their secured resting places where they are at home with, in terms of them finding, ease, comfort and peace in such practices. As a result, humanity ends up causing destruction on the planet by becoming part of it, multiplying themselves, their impacts of Fasaad and causing destruction to the planet from within.


  1. THE TWO DISTINCT SEGMENTS OF SOCIETY & THEIR APPROACHES TOWARDS ALLAH’S MESSAGE: There are always two distinct groups in the society; 1) Such people who are magnified, promoted, proud, arrogant, dominating and elite segments and 2) Those who have received Allah’s message, including the Rasool; those who are suppressed, subjugated, exploited, dominated, and afflicted by the dominating ones in terms of non-provision of their basic human rights and free will; those who are in a state of peace and goodwill for others and who use their intellect and skills to seek knowledge to be at a state of deep and utter conviction. Not only the former group of people try to hide, conceal, and reject Allah’s message, they always come together in a joint collaborative manner against the latter group in a state of egoistic animosity with self-righteousness as if they are on the right path. In their utter state of pride, arrogance, self-confidence, and self-righteousness they fail to not only use their intellect or seek knowledge of Allah’s message, but also by being ungrateful of Allah’s blessings and taking all the privileges and the resources as if they are the ones who are the source of all this, their approach towards Allah’s Ayaat, Allah’s message, and the people of former segment, is that of pride, self-importance, condescension, and egotism.


  1. END RESULT OF SUCH PEOPLE: In their pride, egotism, and arrogance, these people get addicted and drowned in their rituals, traditions, and laws of their Shuraka’a, the deities who they have taken up from other than Allah. As a result, they went on extremes by exceeding all boundaries and became rebellious against the commandments of Allah to be Khalifa on earth. The appointment of perfect recompense and accountability for them could both be physical manifestation in terms of being shaken by an earthquake, tornado or another natural disaster that left them trembled or even in a metaphoric sense of being struck hard and shaken to the core by life. When people are not connected with Allah’s system of natural laws and laws of Deen, they go into a metaphoric state of war, with the whole universe uniting forces against them. Thus, the well-known and confirmed event of their perfect accountability for them based on their egoistic actions, deeds and choices, that they would have to face sooner or later, is to become lifelong companion of their stronghold position, an iron-grip like stature that persist and stayed with them as their permanent mindsets, and behaviors, even to the extend of turning away their Rasool, the only sincere and well-wisher for them.




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